- Providing "smart" data that's accurate and actionable, not just "more" data​
- Supporting every car on the road, without costly dongles or special hardware
- Respecting driver privacy, while rewarding driver participation
Our mission: bring "connected vehicle" benefits to every driver of every car by:​
How can we do this? Smartphone technology. Vehcon's patent-pending solutions capture important data like odometer readings, area of operation, trip mileage, maintenance status, vehicle identification number (VIN), and more. With the driver's permission, we provide validated information to our partners, either standalone or analyzed in combination with other profile information provided by the driver.​
Sounds simple enough. Yet obtaining this information quickly, affordably, and reliably has eluded the industry for years. With Vehcon's solutions, auto insurance and vehicle services companies can better predict customer needs, target their marketing, increase customer retention, and better manage their own business processes.
Connect With
Any Driver in
Any Car ... Right Now
Vehcon Solutions
Save Deployment
Steps and Expense
​Vehcon solutions eliminate multiple steps and fees in the customer acquisition, retention and targeting process. Giving you higher margins and a more flexible platform.
In addition to costing just a fraction of today's aftermarket systems, Vehcon solutions also recognize the vehicle insured. Today's aftermarket hardware does not. This benefit ensures that the policy or offer given corresponds to the correct vehicle.
Auto Insurance

​The more you drive,​
the more likely ​you are ​
to be in an accident.
But how can auto insurers
really know how much,
when and where a
customer is driving?
​​How do you target drivers at
just the right moment with
just the right offers?
Today, you guess.
​Tomorrow, you could know.
​Once a customer ops in to the program, Vehcon solutions definitively pinpoint how much and to where a customer is driving, among other key pieces of data. The patent-pending mobile application is downloaded in moments, and provides information back the instant it is employed by the customer. And it captures data for any car on the road today. Imagine a solution that works just as well in Paris, Kentucky, as it does in Paris, France. Learn more ...
- ​​​​Provides a predictive data package unavailable through aftermarket systems
- Prevents premium leakage
- Enables instant communication with customers

Vehcon solutions capture area location, odometer readings, and more. For vehicle parts, services and maintenance companies, this information is key. Vehcon solutions lift the veil on localized driver characteristics and vehicle data, enabling smarter customer targeting. Vehcon pairs this knowledge with a robust platform for customer outreach, enabling vehicle service companies to send the right offer at just the right time. Learn more...​
- ​​​Target local offers at the optimal moment of customer receptivity
- Foster customer retention
- ​Increase predictability of local needs, resulting in better staffing and inventory management​